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Human Resources & Business Employment Law Solicitors

When setting up or growing a business, it is important to pay attention to how you manage your staff.

If you are to avoid falling foul of the employment legislation, you need to make sure your policies and procedures hold water and do what you intend. If you don’t make sure, for example, that your terms of employment address all the necessary details, you might find yourself in the Employment Tribunal defending a claim.

We can help you get started in the right way, or review what you already have, so if you need:

  • Terms of Employment
  • Sickness Policy
  • Annual Leave Policy
  • Flexible Working Policy
  • Redundancy Policy
  • Disciplinary Procedure

and any of the other many documents a business needs to function properly, our experienced lawyers can handle that for you.

In addition, if you need advice during the course of your work, for example on how to deal with a difficult staffing issue, we can advise and help you find a solution to your problem.

We also advise on settlement agreements.