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Business Defence - Criminal and Regulatory Prosecutions & Police Investigations

We advise on and defend all forms of business crime ranging from breaches of Health and Safety or Environmental Law through to serious fraud.

We have a local, regional and national reputation based on our years of experience in defending our clients. Our in house team of lawyers are supported by some of the leading Counsel in the country and for each case we pick the team with the right skills and expertise to make sure that the best outcome is achieved.

If your business is faced with an Health and Safety or Environmental investigation it is critical that you are represented as early as possible by an experienced lawyer. We can immediately start to influence the pace and direction of any potential prosecution and represent you during all police or agency interview as necessary.

In fact our team are experienced at carrying out prosecutions for statutory agencies and have a good record of success. It is this broad level of experience that means we are suitably equipped to know what needs to be done, when, and how.

We are available 24 hours a day for advice and will attend the police station should anyone in your business be questioned or arrested on suspicion of committing an offence.

We will appear and represent you in Court if the business or any employee or director is subsequently charged with an offence. We also believe that in many cases it is important to arrange representation before inquests given that very often evidence emerges that can lead to criminal, regulatory, and disciplinary proceedings.

We are also able to assist your business in applications for regulatory licences including road transport, waste transfer, liquor, and gaming licenses as required.

You can instruct us online here.